Tree House is one of two of the original buildings built as a personal retreat by the previous owner and extensively renovated by the current owners. It is located at the extreme north end of the property in hammock of ancient live oak trees adjacent an open pasture. Originally built entirely of treated lumber in 1985 the house was elevated 40" in 2003 - a foot above the 100-year flood record, and the decks expanded. In 2009 the original roof was removed and replaced. It is greatly loved for its solitude and its charm. From 1995 until 2004 Tree House was the current owner's personal living quarters, and with its companion, Hermitage Cabin, constituted the core of our retreat operation. It is self-contained with kitchen, toilet and detached shower. Electric power for fans and lighting is produced by 5-60W photo-voltaic panels. 530 sq. ft interior floor space. 600 sq. ft deck under roof. 585 sq. ft open deck. Solid reenforced concrete pier foundations. 26 gauge galvanized steel roofing.