Our first view of Rasayana Cove was under the full moon. We realized immediately that this land is the true Old Florida with her wild creatures and lush flora. The property is biologically diverse including a central bayhead with riverine wetlands full of towering cypress trees, red maples and popash. The original cabins are nestled in a live oak hammock - their great branches cloaked in resurrection ferns, epiphytes and wild orchids. The Tree House, or meditation cabin, looks out onto an open savannah facing the setting sun. the entire property is bordered on the east by wilderness Horse Creek. It is not unusual to see Great Blue Herons, American Egrets, Limpkins, Curlews, Whistling Ducks and other water fowl. It is a delight to see otters playing in the creek.
Since there are no habitations around us astronomers are drawn here to observe brilliant stars of the night sky.
Describe your image.
All of these photos were taken with phones while out on our daily walks except the Mama Gator and
Bobcat which were taken on the premises by professional photographers with telescopic lenses.
Wildlife is abundant here as the property is remote and borders a wilderness creek.