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Our Story


Julia and Dinesh came to Florida from Canada in 1994 and founded a nature retreat specializing in residential Ayurvedic wellness programs. We called the retreat Rasayana Cove. The Sanskrit word “rasayana” describes a branch of the Ayurvedic healing tradition that deals with renewal of wellness. It is loosely translated as “rejuvenation”. We chose the idea of a “cove” because the property offers a place of refuge from the storms of busy living. The 25 acre location is remote and filled with natural sights and sounds with many viewings of birds and animals. It is a unique retreat environment combining the healing of a natural setting in the warmth of Florida, a subtropical climate, with the wisdom of Ayurvedic teachings and personalized healing treatments.​


Pizhichil  requires a client commitment of a number of days . It is characterized by the manual application of flowing oil over the entire body with the client assuming a series of 6 different postures. Above is a photo of the hand crafted cedar table with two trainees learning the techniques. The second photo shows the actual treatment process.



Shirodhara is the application of flowing oil to the brow and over the head resulting in a rejuvenation of the nervous system and memory. It can also heal the after-effects of stroke. Again Julia is receiving the treatment as an annual rasayana while training a therapist in the details of how to give this specialized oil treatment.

We modeled the cleansing and rejuvenation program on the Kerala clinics of south India – world renowned for the preservation of authentic Ayurveda. These cleansing and rejuvenation programs follow the traditional Kerala treatments including  Pancha Karma and special oil massages.  We created two traditional droni tables specially crafted to allow us to provide traditional oil treatments. The most primary bodywork treatment is abhyanga based on an individual’s presenting constitutional needs. The clients receive oil that is formulated and prepared by recognized herbal pharmacies in Kerala.



A retreat at Rasayana Cove is experiential and also educational. Clients are able to spend time in the kitchen to learn techniques of food preparation that address specifically their individual health needs. They learn self abhyanga and routine self-care that they take home with them to maintain continuing wellness through seasonal changes and the challenges of life. With the Panchakarma and rejuvenation programs our work at Rasayana Cove has focused on individual one-on-one care so that each individual feels the benefit of personal attention for their health needs. 





Over the years  Rasayana Cove has welcomed individuals, couples and groups seeking quiet time within the healing energies of Mother Nature. 





It is important to emphasize the stillness that permeates this remote area of Florida. The property is an ideal setting for meditation retreats. The “Tree House” cabin next to Horse Creek has been a refuge to those seeking meditation retreats and is often used for retreats that range from one to six weeks. Every program at Rasayana Cove has included meditation sessions and support . Our mission has been to offer a place of refuge for inner awareness and self-healing.









The most important quality about Rasayana Cove is its unique location in the heart of Florida with 25 acres of pristine nature. The cabins are all constructed of local wood, including cypress from our own land. Each building is hand crafted to honor the natural setting.












Julia and Dinesh have lived and served at Rasayana Cove for two and a half decades and now wish to pass on this property to healers who feel a passion for Mother Nature and her healing energies. We are not listing the property with commercial agents so that we can support this transition with the new owners in a personal way. It is our mission to preserve the pristine natural setting of Rasayana Cove for the healing work of the next caretakers. And we wish to pass on our knowledge of the land and the waterways of this special retreat. 



                      Contact us by email at 





or phone:


863 494-7565 (office)

863 494-4687 (mobile)
































 Contact us by phone or email at:



863 494-4687 (office)

863 494-4687 (mobile) 





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